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Why do I need Chiropractic care?


Let's take a moment and think about a car.  When a car is out of alignment, there is unnecessary wear and tear on the tires and extra stress on the engine.  The car can't run at it's best, because it's not designed to have one tire tilted too far to the right side, and another tire tilted too far to the left.  The initial problems may be minor.  So minor, in fact, that you might not even notice there's a problem at all.  However, the misalignment is making a difference in how the car is running.  

Just as the car needs to be checked and maintained, your body needs the same courtesy.  Only for you, the key element is proper alignment of your spine.  Your spine is the major support for your entire body and when the bones of your back are not aligned, it creates stress and extra wear and tear on your joints, ligaments, discs, and tissues.  You may not have the same range of motion or mobility.  You may also feel the 


stress on your body in terms of fatigue, stiffness, sleeping problems, headaches, numbness, or pain.  Your misalignment can also cause conflicts with nerves leading to internal organs.


Like the car misalignment, most people don't even realize they have an issue.  Some try to mask the pain by taking over-the-counter pain relievers.  However, a spinal misalignment, or subluxation, is actually placing an unhealthy amount of pressure on the spinal nerves.  This pressure is what causes back pain, neck pain, soreness, stiffness, numbness in the extremeties, headaches, dizziness and overall low energy.  


Subluxations can be corrected through small adjustments to your spine.  If the subluxations have been present a short time, you may only need a few adjustments.  However, long-term chronic subluxations may require more frequent adjustments to retrain the problem areas of the spine to hold vertebrea in thier normal, healthy positions.



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